
In account of all studies, assessments of the activities driving by the human being to the earth, bring us to think that the deforestation is happening everywhere in the global world for many different reasons from region to region.  Deforestation is the mass removal of trees over a wide area. The term most often to the clearing of trees by humans, but natural processes such flooding or fire can take down the trees, too. Most frequently deforestation occurs to clear land for other purposes, like farming, or to collect timber from the fallen trees. Regardless of what drives deforestation, the end result is always the same: the destruction of an ecosystem that once played a vital role in protecting our planet. That is to say, it seems that we put ourselves in a way which is very difficult to turn around. We don’t say impossible, but difficult. That is why we are trying to elaborate a list of activities that are resulted in continued forest declination.

1-Like Dorothy Stang said :<< the destruction of the forest is the end of our life>>. continue the deforestation in a large scale for agriculture is one of the most important ongoing problems for the forest cover in the world. The growth of the world‘s population obliged people to increase their harvests to meet the need of their hunger. According to the FAO agriculture causes around 80% of deforestation.

2-The increasing global demand for wood products threatens many ancient forests around the world, sometimes it is for paper products, making the furniture or fuel.

3-The fact of cattle breeding; people are cutting trees to create many space so that they can take care of the livestock, making cattle ranches. The factory farms force thousands of animals to live together in extreme confinement.

 These facilitate to generate so much waste that they poison the surrounding air, water, and land, causing widespread health problems in the nearby communities.  And the negative impacts of factory farm pollution extended far beyond just the surrounding area. Animas waste emits greenhouse gases that accelerate climate change and pose an existential threat to communities around the world. According to the same report of FAO, it is also particularly interesting to note LIVESTOCK is believed to be responsible for about 14% of global deforestation.

4-The construction of human infrastructures has also been driving the same report, more specifically, 10% of the deforestation can be attributed to new infrastructures that serve the current human lifestyle in three main ways: transportation, transformation, and energy generation.

Therefore, roads, rails, ports or airports have been built to move all sorts of goods; from cereals and fruits to spices, minerals or fossil fuels, either directly to trade centers or to transformation sites. So while at first there were only fruit trees, roads soon arrived to allow transporting fruit to other regions. And while some goods were and collected manually, others such as coal .oil, natural gas, biomass, but also meat, dairy or spirits, required the construction of a large extraction, transportation and infrastructures.

5-The fact that the population of the global world shifts that is leading people to move from rural areas to urban areas is also contributing to deforestation. This urban growth is leading to an exponential growth of housing and consumption sites. And as the cities become larger so they can host more people, they challenge the nature boundaries surrounding them, often leading to deforestation.  

6- Eating meat can increase in some way deforestation. According to WWF, livestock-caused deforestation is responsible for the discharge of 3, 4% of current global emissions of carbon to the atmosphere every year. That’s why the 2018 IPCC report that reducing meat consumption by 90 % is the single biggest way to reduce global warming.

Some studies also show that without and dairy consumption, global farmland use could reduce by over 75%.In this way, reducing your meat consumption is also a big step to stop not only deforestation but also global warming on a large scale. That means, a lot space is needed to grow both animals and the food they consume, while other nutritious foods could be grown and result in larger food quantities using the same space. 

As consumers we can choose to buy less industrial and transformed products such as cookies, Crips, noodles or cosmetics that use plenty of palm oil. Instead, we can go for a home-made approach with fewer chemicals and food preservatives which is better for both the plant and our health.

However, if you are not willing to make such changes because they are time consuming, you can still consume more responsibly while keeping your lifestyle. To this regards. You can buy product from brands adopting eco-friendly business practices. When it comes to food, buying directly from small farmers using agroforestry practices is the best choice for the planet.


 The world depends largely in forest either directly or in directly. Losing forest completely will affect climates, undermine future economic development and threaten social and political stability of the countries. People are causing the extinction crisis. We have a responsibility address the causes of the environmental so that future generation can rely on the vital services provided by the world’s ecosystem through forest preservation.

In fact, according to the above description, World Reserves undertake many activities related to reforestation in many parts of the world, to sow the seeds that can contribute to relieve the devasted issue of world, which is deforestation.                                                 That’s why World Reserves Haiti promoted: <<The Planet first People after>>.

~ Martin Jacques Fritz

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